
Background and writing tips [to use as knowledge, not to be copied verbatim]:

  Here is a brief on what the article is going to be about: "Invention of television so far goes back to 1890's. Here are some of the earliest inventions that led to television." The invention of television starts with Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel, who filed for a patent in Paris in 1894. During that time it was difficult to receive radio waves without having an antenna, and no one even knew there was such a thing as electricity until 1830. The next major milestone occurred when Guglielmo Marconi received a patent for wireless telegraphy on 4 July 1901. The history of television begins in the 1890s with the discovery of cathode ray tubes that could be used as non-radio communication devices. The earliest known claim about using cathode ray tubes for television experiments was by Russian scientist Boris Rosing in his 1895 paper "Experiments on the transmission of images by electricity".   Image source: These early experiments had man...

credit goes to a man, named Paul Gottlieb Nipkow.

  While no one knows who invent television, not only do we have the chance to find out who did so by starting our journey with the invention of tv.   Image source:  There are some companies that specialize in commercializing and manufacturing TV sets, but ultimately, this invention was created by a man named Paul Gottlieb Nipkow.   Image source: Nipkow's innovation lead to how we view light today and is a form of wireless communication that has lasted for more than 150 years without deviation or change. This is what led him to be credited as the inventor and he went on to patent his idea in 1884.   Image source: First, he created the scanning disk with a hole in the center and had the ability to scan a picture into the television screen line-by-line. His solution was later used by Scottish inventor John Logie Baird to create rudimentary color televis...